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Work’n’Design Starter Product / Product setting blp Bulk Price is given to offer the customer an additional discount of the product volume. It reduces the price before tax. the input pattern up product unit – discount in percent 4-10 ( by buying up to 4 units you offer the customer 10% of the product price…

Work’n’Design Starter

Product / Product setting


Bulk Price is given to offer the customer an additional discount of the product volume. It reduces the price before tax.

the input pattern

up product unit – discount in percent

4-10 ( by buying up to 4 units you offer the customer 10% of the product price before tax.

multiple bulk prices are separated with “,”



the Input pattern

#abbbce Alice blue

multiple colors are separated with “,”

#abbc3,#15191f,Alice blue


the input pattern

small medium 32-39 x xxl

multiple sizes are separated with “,”


customer / customer setting

price adjustment

your customer get a discount in percent of each product per unit. It will reduce the price before tax.

the input pattern

number 0-100

company / company setting



( paypal an credit card )

account setting


changes the supervisor password


Contract expire date to renewal the contract by input the verification number

language key

Language available in English, German, Turkish, Khmer. Default language is english

en for English

de for German

tr for Turkish

kh for Khmer

payment currency key

the currency key Wich is used for convert your product currency to your PayPal currency.

Note: the currency key must have the same currency in your company setting of cn-prime as example

your company cn-prime has the currency $

Your payment currency key is USD